Friday 20 April 2012

My Style: Fun Tribal Prints

Well I know this isn't a particularly exciting outfit but I've had this dress for a while now and have always loved it. Aztec and tribal prints have been popular these last couple of years and hopefully are here to stay! They can brighten up any outfit and give it some texture and colour. I like how they can be incorporated in any type of clothing, to create a cute and feminine look like with my dress, or to be something a lot more hardcore and tough. This outfit is along the lines of what I'm going to wear to my school's Sports Awards Dinner next Friday so I'm glad I can get some wear out of my beloved dress!

dress - Target, shoes - Forever 21, headband - Rubi Shoes

rings - all from Topshop

I personally think Topshop is not only one of the best shops for teenage fashion, but it also has amazing jewellery. I have been in love with my eye ring from the moment I saw it, and while it doesn't fit my fingers quite as well as I'd hoped I still cherish it. The next ring along is also another favourite and is my newest ring, along with the leaf one which is also quite nice. I love rings but I really don't wear them enough.